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Electric slats and folding blinds for voice control, smartphone, ihc and other controls

We offer motorized slats and folding curtains that can be controlled with wireless switch, remote control or smartphone / iPhone.
Please contact us for further information on our electric blinds and folding blinds.

Motorized slat curtain for wifi management

ODSIF WIFI - slatted curtain
Blinds with motor for control via smartphone / iPhone. The slats can be closed / opened / stopped in any position and the entire slatted curtain can be pulled on and off. Can be set for automatic pre and off times. Contact us for offers.

Motorized folding curtain for wifi control

folding curtain smart home control
Motorized folding curtain controlled via smartphone / iPhone. The folding curtain can be run up and down. Via the smartphone, automatic times can be set for opening / closing folders. Contact us for offers.

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